Case News

FJWW Files Class Action Lawsuit Against Aliera and Trinity Healthshare Alleging Fraudulent “Health Care Sharing Ministry”

On April 28, 2020, FJWW and its co-counsel filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California against Aliera and Trinity Healthshare, who together sell and operate a health plan marketed as a “health care sharing ministry,” although it does not meet federal requirements governing HCSMs. The plan does not comply with the Affordable Care Act or California insurance law, and fails to provide purchasers with meaningful coverage for their healthcare needs.  Moreover, Aliera has made numerous false and/or misleading claims about the plan and denied claims that should have been approved.  Plaintiffs Bruce and Corlyn Duncan enrolled in an Aliera plan in 2017, and Corlyn needed spinal surgery in 2018. Aliera approved the surgery but paid only a fraction of its cost, leaving Plaintiffs with tens of thousands of dollars of medical debt.

A copy of the complaint can be found here. Coverage of the case is available here and here. For additional information, please contact Nina Wasow or Catha Worthman.